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The Fylingdales Group of Artists

Anne Thornhill

Bank House Farm Studio


Near Whitby,

North Yorkshire

YO21 1SX



Anne studied Fine Art at Lincoln College of Art and Bath Academy of Art, Corsham, graduating in 1974. Tutors included Tony Bartl (himself a student of the Bauhaus), and Peter Kinley, Frank Auerbach, and Adrian Heath. Corsham was a legendary place and most of the leading artists of the day were regular visitors to the college. Anne’s specialisms included painting, etching, history of art, and experimental psychology.

Since then Anne has worked professionally, selling her work from the two galleries she ran with her husband Paul Blackwell, also a member of The Fylingdales Group of Artists. Moving in 1996 to a quieter lifestyle in the country has enabled her to paint full-time. She is also a keen horticulturalist.

Anne’s  work  explores  movement and structure in the landscape, and how these interact with changes and shifts in the perceptual process. The paintings seek to provide both questions and answers, but the outcome is never a resolution, and so the movement continues.

“I have been very lucky in that many people have supported me in purchasing my work over the years. It has been distributed all around the globe to some remote and surprising places! I very much hope that my paintings will continue to stimulate people in the future and hold a place of value in their lives. “

Anne Thornhill Whitby. All of a Glow

Anne Thornhill  And Away - Danby Moors

Dark horizon

The sounding cateract

White water wanderer