The Fylingdales Group of Artists
Geo T.Lowe

These images are from as private colection
all are by George T Lowe
He did have art training in Antwerp in the 1880s and he painted, sketched and exhibited throughout his life. He was chiefly a landscape watercolourist and painted mainly views in and around Robin Hood’s Bay. He signed his work Geo T Lowe.
His day job was manager of the Yorkshire Penny Bank in Huddersfield. He lived in Huddersfield, but always summered in Robin Hood’s Bay, where his constant address was Montrose House, Fisher Head. He moved there permanently in 1934 when his address changed to Fernleigh, Fisher Head.
He was also a keen mountaineer, walker and caver and was the first President of the Yorkshire Rambler’s Club. He was originally from Leeds, and in the 1890s was a member of the Leeds Savage Club - an odd society that promoted art, bohemianism and mountaineering. Owen Bowen was also a member.
(Quoted by a family member 2022)

It has been a really pleasant surprise to also see paintings by Geo T Lowe and learn a little bit more about him. My grandfather namely Lewis Moore and Geo T Lowe were obviously close family friends and were members of the Yorkshire Ramblers in the early years of its existence.
My grandfather was also a President of the club for 3 years from 1909 and became secretary for quite a few years.
Geo T Lowe sent our family hand painted Christmas cards throughout the 1920’s and 1930’s with seasons greetings on the back of each card. Thankfully the cards were kept by the family and I now have a collection of 12 miniatures of which 6 are framed and the other 6 sit in a box.The framed pictures have been hung on the walls of our house in Appleby, Cumbria for many years. Most of the scenes painted are around Robin Hood's Bay, but not all for example there is one painted in Barnard Castle, County Durham and another from the Roman wall in Northumberland.
Christmas card in 1926 and I assume is probably the beach at Robin Hood’s Bay but can’t say precisely. The painting in the middle is of the bridge at Barnard Castle in County Durham and was the 1923 Christmas card. The painting on the right has been framed and hangs on the wall in our sitting room and was sent in 1932 and is part of the Roman wall in Northumberland labelled Loch Teel, but I am not able to find where this loch is. Apologies for any reflection in the right hand painting, but the glass reflects.
From the private collection of D.Moore